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2023. Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP’2023). Artificial Intelliverse: Expanding Horizons : [72] Collection home page


The materials of the international conference on pattern recognition and information processing, data processing and representation, knowledge-based decision support system, applications image recognition and image analysis, artificial intelligence, neural networks and deep learning are presented.

On the conference website https://www.prip.by/2023 and on the Youtube channel “PRP Conference" it is possible to find additional information, online presentations, including plenary reports.

The conference was held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, all participants confirmed their consent to a public demonstration and recording of their speeches.

Представлены материалы международной конференции, в которых освещены следующие области: распознавание образов и анализ изображений, обработка и представление знаний, система поддержки принятия решений, нечеткая математика и системы, приложения распознавания образов и анализа изображений, искусственный интеллект, включая нейронные сети и глубокое обучение.

Дополнительную информацию, а также онлайн-презентации, включая пленарные доклады, можно посмотреть на сайте конференции https://www.prip.by/2023/ и на Youtube-канале “PRIP Conference”.

Конференция была проведена в соответствии с Общим регламентом по защите данных, все участники подтвердили согласие на публичную демонстрацию и запись своих выступлений.

При полном или частичном использовании материалов ссылка на сайт Электронной библиотеки БГУ (www.elib.bsu.by) обязательна.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Neural Networks Interpretation ImprovementKroshchanka, Aliaksandr; Golovko, Vladimir
2023Simulation Modelling for Machine Learning Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Human GenomesYatskou, Mikalai M.; Smolyakova, Elizabeth V.; Skakun, Victor V.; Grinev, Vasily V.
2023Logical-Linguistic and Logical-Probabilistic Methods of Image Classification in Decision-MakingGorodetskiy, Andrey E.; Tarasova, Irina L.; Krasavtseva, Anna R.
2023Iterative Selection of Essential Input Features under Conditions of their Multicollinearity in Space Weather Time Series ForecastingShchurov, Nikolay; Isaev, Igor; Barinov, Oleg; Myagkova, Irina; Dolenko, Sergei
2023Hidden Object Masking using Deep LearningBu, Qing; Wan, Wei; Leonov, Ivan
2023A system for visualization and prediction of floods on lowland riversVolchek, Alexander; Kostiuk, Dmitriy; Petrov, Dmitriy; Sheshko, Nikolay
2023Comparative Analysis of Semantic Segmentation Methods for Satellite Images SegmentationBu, Qing; Wan, Wei; Savitskaya, Elizaveta
2023Assessing the Security of Personal Data in Large Scale chest X-Ray Image ScreeningKovalev, Vassili
2023Improving efficiency of VF3 and VF3-light algorithms for sparse graphsDzenhaliou, Daniil I.; Sarvanov, Vladimir I.
2023Estimation of Informative Features in the Analysis of 2D Images of Bone Objects in ForensicDoudkin, A.; Voronov, A.; Ganchenko, V.; Marushko, Ya.; Podenok, L.; Inyutin, A.
2023Generating Graphs with Specified Properties and Their Use for Constructing Scene Graphs from ImagesHimbitski, Aliaksei; Himbitski, Vitali; Kovalev, Vassili
2023Parsimonious models of multivariate binary time series: statistical estimation and forecastingShibalko, Siarhei; Kharin, Yuriy
2023About Computer Vision using Optimal Image ApproximationsKharinov, Mikhail
2023Rate-distortion estimation of 2-D non-separable filter banks based on quaternionic filter banks with JPEG2000 discrete wavelet transformsRybenkov, Eugene V.; Petrovsky, Nick A.
2023Multimodal Deep Regression on TikTok Content SuccessWong, Louis; Salih, Ahmed; Song, Mingyao; Xu, Jason
2023Model identification of wood drying and shrinkage processesGuo, Jiran
2023Compressing a convolution neural network based on quantizationPertsau, Dmitry; Lukashevich, Marina; Kupryianava, Dziana
2023No-reference Perception Based Image Quality Evaluation Analysis using Approximate EntropyGavrovska, Ana; Samčović, Andreja; Dujković, Dragi
2023Learnable Global Layerwise Nonlinearities Without Activation FunctionsDiamond, Justin
2023Principles and solutions for integrating computer algebra tools and applications based on open semantic technologiesTaranchuk, Valery; Shunkevich, Daniil
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72