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2022. Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science : [49] Collection home page


This collection of papers includes proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference “Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science” organized by the Belarusian State University and held in September 2022 in Minsk. Papers are reviewed by qualied researchers from Belarus and Russia.

The papers are devoted to the topical problems: robust data analysis; multivariate analysis; statistical analysis of time series and random fields; probabilistic and statistical analysis of discrete data; asymptotic methods in stochastics; statistical methods of signal and image processing; econometric modeling and financial mathematics; survey analysis and oficial statistics; computer modeling and simulation of stochastic systems; data science, algorithms and software for data analysis and modeling; computer data analysis in applications.

For specialists who work in the fields of mathematical statistics and its applications, computer data analysis, data science and statistical software development.

Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science : Proc. of the XIII Intern. Conf., Minsk, Sept. 6–10, 2022 / Belarusian State University ; eds.: Yu. Kharin [et al.]. – Minsk : BSU, 2022. – 250 p.

Editorial board:

Professor, Doctor Yu. Kharin (editor-in-chief); Professor, Doctor A. Zubkov (vice editor-in-chief); Doctor I. Badziahin; Professor Dr. A. Kharin; Doctor M. Maltsew; Doctor U. Palukha


Doctor V. Malugin; Doctor V. Voloshko

ISBN 978-985-881-420-5

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Statistical estimation of high-order dependencies in discrete-valued time seriesKharin, Yu. S.
2022On software library for statistical classification of discrete-valued multivariate data, time series and random fieldsKharin, Yu. S.; Voloshko, V. A.; Staleuskaya, S. N.; Sinkevich, N. V.
2022Modeling the management of social processes through mass mailingsZubov, S. V.
2022Orthogonal decomposition of bivariate densities using the Bayes space methodologyHron, K.
2022Performance and robustness in sequential analysis of stochastic data flowsKharin, A. Yu.; Ton That Tu; Sheuka, I. Yu.
2022Computation of distributions of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for finite samplesFilina, M. V.; Zubkov, A. M.
2022Notes on the independence of tests and on completeness of NIST packageZubkov, A. M.; Serov, A. A.
2022Modeling the spatial effects of economic development of BelarusVysotski, S.
2022Complex 5-component oscillator as a tool of technical analysis in algorithmic tradingZhalezka, B. A.; Stadnik, A. O.; Siniavskaya, V. A.
2022Test of exponentiality with shift based on conditional distribution relative to sufficient statisticsZorine, A. V.
2022Statistical analysis of non-stationary time series based on Brownian motion modelsZherelo, V. A.; Zhuk, E. E.
2022On the calculation of functionals from the solution to linear SDE with first-order chaos in coefficientsEgorov, A. D.
2022On power comparison for some tests on pure randomness under Markov high-order dependenciesVoloshko, V. A.; Kharin, Yu. S.; Trubey, A. I.
2022On discrete-valued time series based on multidimensional exponential familyVoloshko, V. A.; Kharin, Yu. S.
2022Using of CUSUM change-point detection algorithm for Markov-modulated Poisson process identificationVorobejchikov, S. E.; Burkatovskaya, Yu. B.
2022Posterior predictive model checking using formal methodsVana, L.; Visconti, E.; Nenzi, L.; Cadonna, A.; Kastner, G.; Parzer, R.
2022Forecasting cases of children disease by non-invasive forms of pneumococcal infectionSokolova, M. V.; Romanova, O. N.; Kolomiets, N. D.; Bosiakov, S. M.
2022Modifications of the imputation method for parameter estimation of censored autoregressive time seriesTsirul, E. A.; Badziahin, I. A.
2022Quantifying and estimating (multivariate) directed dependenceTrutschnig, W.
2022The fuzzy-possibility approach to overcoming complexity under uncertaintySpesivtsev, A. V.; Mikhailov, V. V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49