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Заглавие документа: On a class of integrable systems of Monge-Ampére type
Авторы: Doubrov, B.
Ferapontov, E.V.
Kruglikov, B.
Novikov, V.S.
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: American Institute of Physics Inc.
Библиографическое описание источника: J Math Phys 2017;58(6)
Аннотация: We investigate a class of multi-dimensional two-component systems of Monge- Ampere type that can be viewed as generalisations of heavenly type equations appearing in a self-dual Ricci-flat geometry. Based on the Jordan-Kronecker theory of the skew-symmetric matrix pencils, a classification of normal forms of such systems is obtained. All two-component systems of Monge-Ampere type turn out to be integrable and can be represented as the commutativity conditions of parameterdependent vector fields. Geometrically, systems of Monge-Ampere type are associated with linear sections of the Grassmannians. This leads to an invariant differentialgeometric characterisation of the Monge-Ampere property.
URI документа: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/258191
DOI документа: 10.1063/1.4984982
Scopus идентификатор документа: 85020635525
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи факультета прикладной математики и информатики

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