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Title: Comparison of China US securities markets
Authors: Gen Li
Keywords: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Экономика и экономические науки
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Минск : Институт бизнеса БГУ
Citation: Бизнес-пульс : II Междунар. науч.-практ. студ. конф., Минск, 10 ноября 2023 г. : сб. материалов / редкол.: В. В. Манцурова [и др.]. – Минск : Институт бизнеса БГУ, 2024. – С. 102-104.
Abstract: The traditional securities market system is undergoing transformation. After more than 400 years of development, the global economy has entered a diversified development trend, and the global securities market system is also constantly improving. However, the financial crisis caused by the epidemic has had a huge impact and losses on domestic and foreign securities markets, highlighting the shortcomings of the traditional securities market system and further promoting the transformation of the modern securities market system. Therefore, studying the regulatory and information disclosure systems of domestic and foreign securities markets, and comparing and summarizing the systems of China and the United States, will help to identify the shortcomings of the securities systems of both countries and provide objective suggestions
Description: Секция 2. Экономика и управление в бизнесе
URI: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/312333
ISBN: 978-85-7214-81-5
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:2023. Бизнес-пульс

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