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2017, №1 : [13] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations. – 2017. – No. 1-
2017Compensation of the Losses Caused by Unfair Competition: National and Foreign Legal ApproachesMaskayeva, N. G.
2017Intellectual Property Rights in the Internet: Extraterritorial Recognition or New Conflict of Law Rules?Leanovich, E. B.
2017Fundamental Human Rights and Coercive Measures: Impact and InterdependenceDouhan, A. F.
2017International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes as an Effective Mechanism of Dispute Resolution Between an Investor and a StateBabkina, E. V.; Khomenko, M. V.
2017Territorial Status of the Western Belarusian Lands in the Soviet-Polish Relations During the World War II and the Great Patriotic WarVelikiy, А. F.
2017Evolution of Belarusian-Polish Relations at the Present Stage: Balance of InterestsShadurski, V. G.
2017Political Propaganda in the British Media of the Late 1930s (using the example of the humanitarian aspect of the Spanish Civil War 1936–1939)Malay, V. V.; Fomichev, N. N.
2017Socio-Economic, Political and International Dimensions of Ukrainian CrisisKurylev, K. P.
2017Security Problems in International TourismGaydukevich, L. M.
2017Local Governments and Ngoʼs Network Cooperation: Lithuanian EvidenceDvorak, Ja. N.; Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili, G. A.; Barkauskaitė, B.
2017The Republic of Belarus and the European Union: the Main Stages of the RelationshipDastanka, A. A.
2017International Aspects of the European Socialist Commonwealthʼs Collapse in the 1980s and 1990sChasnouski, M. E.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13