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2016. Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Theoretical and Applied Stochastics : [82] Collection home page


This collection of papers includes proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference

"Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Theoretical and Applied Stochastics" organized by the Belarusian State University and held in September 2016 in Minsk. Papers are reviewed by qualified researchers from Belarus, Russia, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Poland. The papers are devoted to the topical problems: robust and nonparametric data analysis; statistical analysis of time series and forecasting; multivariate data analysis; design of experiments; probability and statistical analysis of discrete data; econometric analysis and modeling; survey analysis and official statistics; computer intensive methods, algorithms and software; computer data analysis in applications.

For specialists who work in the fields of mathematical statistics and its applications, computer data analysis, statistical modeling and statistical software development.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Theoretical and Applied Stochastics: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference (September 6-10, 2016, Minsk)-
6-Sep-2016Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Mivar TechnologiesVarlamov, O. O.; Danilkin, I. A.
6-Sep-2016Fractal Dimension as a Characteristic of Biological Cell AFM ImagesStarodubtsev, I. E.
6-Sep-2016Bioinformatics Analysis of M.TUBERCULOSIS Whole-Genome SequencesSergeev, R. S.; Kavaliou, I. S.; Tuzikov, A. V.; Sprindzuk, M. V.
6-Sep-2016Computer Analysis of Essential Hypertension Risk on the Base of Genetic and Environmental FactorsPavlova, O. S.; Malugin, V. I.; Ogurtsova, S. E.; Novopoltsev, A. Yu.; Byk, I. S.; Gorbat, T. V.; Liventseva, M. M.; Mrochek, A. G.
6-Sep-2016On the Inequality in Open Multiserver Queueing NetworksMinkevicius, S.; Greicius, E.
6-Sep-2016Analysis and Application of G-network with Incomes and Random Waiting Time of Negative CustomersMatalytski, M.; Naumenko, V.; Kopats, D.
6-Sep-2016On Some Aspects in Acquisition of Brain Electrical ActivityKolchin, A. V.; Ionkina, H. G.
6-Sep-2016Unreliable Queueing System with Backup ServerKlimenok, V. I.
6-Sep-2016Development of the Master Program on Applied Computer Data Analysis within the Tempus Project “Applied Computing in Engineering and Science”Kharin, A.; Filzmoser, P.; Gabko, P.
6-Sep-2016On Mode Jumping in MCMC for Bayesian Variable Selection within GLMMHubin, A. A.; Storvik, G. O.
6-Sep-2016Multivariate Analysis for Image Recognition System to Assess the Quality of the Mineral SpeciesBaklanova, O.; Baklanov, A.; Shvets, O.
6-Sep-2016Modeling Competitive Advantage of TerritoriesVisotski, S.
6-Sep-2016Methodological Approaches to the Reflection of Environmental Assets in SEEA and NAMEASoshnikova, L. A.
6-Sep-2016The Statistical Validity of the Increase in Retirement Age in the Republic of BelarusSharilova, Y.; Kulak, A.
6-Sep-2016The Relevant Leading Indicator of Macroeconomic DynamicsNovikov, M. M.
6-Sep-2016Application of Method Lags Model for the Analysis of the Impact Ecology on HealthMatkovskaya, O.
6-Sep-2016Statistical Assessment of Gender Issues in Social and Labor SphereKulak, A.; Sharilova, Y.
6-Sep-2016The R&D Intensity Factors of GDPKolesnikova, I.
6-Sep-2016Micro-Entities and Small Enterprises Surveys in BelarusBokun, N.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82