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Заглавие документа: 5.5 MeV Electron Irradiation-Induced Transformation of Minority Carrier Traps in p-Type Si and Si1−xGex Alloys
Авторы: Pavlov, Jevgenij
Ceponis, Tomas
Pukas, Kornelijus
Makarenko, Leonid
Gaubas, Eugenijus
Дата публикации: 2022
Издатель: MDPI
Библиографическое описание источника: Mater 2022;15(5).
Аннотация: Minority carrier traps play an important role in the performance and radiation hardness of the radiation detectors operating in a harsh environment of particle accelerators, such as the up-graded sensors of the high-luminosity hadron collider (HL-HC) at CERN. It is anticipated that the sensors of the upgraded strip tracker will be based on the p-type silicon doped with boron. In this work, minority carrier traps in p-type silicon (Si) and silicon–germanium (Si1−xGex) alloys induced by 5.5 MeV electron irradiation were investigated by combining various modes of deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and pulsed technique of barrier evaluation using linearly increasing voltage (BELIV). These investigations were addressed to reveal the dominant radiation defects, the dopant activity transforms under local strain, as well as reactions with interstitial impurities and mechanisms of acceptor removal in p-type silicon (Si) and silicon–germanium (SiGe) alloys, in order to ground technological ways for radiation hardening of the advanced particle detectors. The prevailing defects of interstitial boron–oxygen (BiOi) and the vacancy–oxygen (VO) complexes, as well as the vacancy clusters, were identified using the values of activation energy reported in the literature. The activation energy shift of the radiation-induced traps with content of Ge was clarified in all the examined types of Si1−xGex (with x= 0–0.05) materials.
URI документа: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/289842
DOI документа: 10.3390/ma15051861
Scopus идентификатор документа: 85126317369
Финансовая поддержка: Funding: This research was partially funded through Lithuanian Council of Science by the European Regional Development Fund according to the supported activity “Research Projects Implemented by World-class Researcher Groups” under Measure No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-1-0013.
Лицензия: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи факультета прикладной математики и информатики

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