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Заглавие документа: Stationary distribution of waiting time in MAP/G/1/N queueing system with LIFO service discipline
Авторы: Dudin, A.
Klimenok, V.
Samouylov, K.
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: Springer Verlag
Библиографическое описание источника: Lect Notes Comput Sci 2017;10372 LNCS:50-61.
Аннотация: In this paper, we consider single server queueing system with a finite buffer, MAP input and independent generally distributed service times. Customers are selected for the service in accordance with the LIFO (Last In – First Out) service discipline. It is well known that stationary distribution of the number of customers in such a system coincides with the corresponding distribution in the system with FIFO (First In – First Out) discipline which has been studied in the literature early. In the present research we focus on investigating the stationary distribution of waiting (sojourn) time in the system.
URI документа: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/258485
DOI документа: 10.1007/978-3-319-61382-6_5
Scopus идентификатор документа: 85021771767
Финансовая поддержка: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (the Agreement number 02.a03.21.0008).
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи факультета прикладной математики и информатики

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