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The conference proceedings include the theses submitted at the IX th International scientific conference of young scientists, PhD students, Master`s degree students, and students «Actual environmental problems» in English, which was held in November 21–22, 2019 at the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University.

The proceedings are reffered to a wide range of expert, lecturers of higner and secondary educational establishments, PhD students, Master`s degree students and students.

Actual Environmental Problems : Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students, November 21–22, 2019, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ISEI BSU; edited by S. A. Maskevitch, N. A. Lysukha. – Minsk, 2019. – 254 p.

The general editorship:

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor S. A. Maskevich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. N. A. Lysukha


Batyan A. N., Lemeshevsky V. O., Mishatkina T. V., Golovatiy S. E.

ISBN 978-985-7224-89-0

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 239
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Actual Environmental Problems : Proceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students, November 21–22, 2019, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ISEI BSU; edited by S. A. Maskevitch, N. A. Lysukha-
2019The problem of the influence of alternative energy sources: ecology and manKhamitsevich, A.; Lepskaya, N.
2019Ecology of pyramidal structuresKhamitsevich, A.; Krasovsky, V.
2019Internet marketing in social networksKirukhin, I.; Lepskaya, N.
2019ExoskeletonKirukhin, I.; Krasovsky, V.
2019Wind energy development in Republic of BelarusZianiutsich, F.; Kazakevich, T.
2019Heavy metal hyperaccumulators and the development of urban soil remediation strategiesZhuravkov, Y.; Bondarchik, R.; Kovaliov, V.; Goncharova, N.
2019Approaches to calculation of water use for enterprises of dairy industryZakharko, P.
2019Distribution of white mistletoe (Viscum album L.) in the central part of the Republic of BelarusYurel, V.
2019Ecological significance of white mistletoe (Viscum album L.)Yurel, V.
2019Application of electric energy storage devices in electric systems with renewable energy sourcesYatsko, P.; Krasovsky, V.
2019Intelligent monitoringYakshevich, S.; Piatnitsa, D.; Lipnitskiy, L.
2019Potencialities of reagent purification of polluted industrial wastewatersYakimenko, A.
2019Methods for NOx measurement in exhaust from aircraft engines at civil airportsUlianova, K.; Synylo, K.
2019Physics of semiconductor detectorsTsypko, S.
2019Recognition of objects based on the computer vision system on Raspberry PITkachenko, S.
2019Resistance of lakes of Belarus to eutrophication in the conditions of variable climateSukhovilo, N.
2019Research of the influence of the Baikal EM on the composting of food mixtureSokolova, V.; Krussir, G.; Kuznecova, I.
2019Study of stability of an immobilized lipase Rhizopus japonicus in the hydrolysis of hydrogenated fatSkliar, V.; Krusir, G.
2019Development of the «determination of specific activity of organically binded tritium in water» project methodologySkibinskaya, H.; Mironov, V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 239