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Browsing "2012. Fundamental and Applied NanoElectroMagnetics. FANEM-2012" by Issue Date

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Hard ware-software system for studying the properties of magnetic shields and electrical products based on film and composite nanostructuresHryshyn, S.; Petsiuk, A.; Bui, A.; Grishin, S.
2012Direct chemical vapour deposition of semitransparent pyrolytic carbon filmKaplas, T.; Svirko, Yu.
2012Local field effects and interference quenching of light in planar plasmonic nanostructuresKachan, S.; Ponyavina, A.
2012Graphene quantum dots: structures, properties, electronic and optic applicationsChernozatonskii, L.; Arthuch, A.; Kvashnin, D.; Sorokin, P.
2012Solid-state based room temperature terahertz imaging systemsValusis, G.
2012Reflectance properties of nanocarbons: nanodiamond (ND), sp2/sp3 composites, onion-like carbon and multiwalled carbon nanotubesKuznetsov, V.; Moseenkov, S.; Larina, T.; Ishchenko, A.; Bokova, S.; Obraztsova, E.; Romanenko, A.; Anikeeva, O.; Tkachev, E.; Lambin, P.
2012Nanoscale investigation of microstructure effects on hydrogen behaviour in rapidly solidified aluminium alloysTashlykova-Bushkevich, I.
2012Fabrication and characterization of Er- and Gd-implanted tin dioxide filmsKsenevich, V.; Bondarionok, H.; Dorosinets, V.; Shvarkov, S.; Reuter, D.; Wieck, A.
2012Heat resistant phosphate materials containing pure and nitrogen- and boron-doped carbon nanotubes: effectiveness of electromagnetic interference shielding in microwaveKuzhir, P.; Maksimenko, S.; Plyushch, A.; Prudaeva, D.; Lapko, K.; Lomonosov, V.; Ksenevich, V.; Sokol, A.; Ivashkevich, O.; Lesnikovich, A.; Okotrub, A.
2012Modified flame pyrolysis method for magnetic nanoparticles synthesisKotsikau, D.; Petrova, E.; Pankov, V.; Ivanovskaya, M.
2012Insight into multishell carbon nanostructure electrostatic responseSedelnikova, O.; Bulusheva, L.; Okotrub, A.
2012Pulling nanoparticles by a non-diffractive light beamNovitsky, Andrey V.; Qiu, C.-W.
2012Properties of systems with carbon nanotubes based on the swift heavy ion track technologyPetrov, A.; Kaniukov, E.; Demyanov, S.; Okotrub, A.; Kurenya, A. G.; Gusel'nikov, A.; Kudashov, A.; Bulusheva, L.; Trautmann, C.
2012Electrodynamics of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes with Intershell TunnelingMiano, G.; Maffucci, A.; Slepyan, G.
2012Band structure of all-boron 2D metallic crystal as a prospective electromagnetic shielding materialChkhartishvili, L.; Murusidze, I.
2012C60(FeCp2)2 based composition material for the potential medical applicationSoldatov, A.; Shpilevski, E.; Gorokh, G.; Pushkarchuk, A.; Khrutchinsky, A.; Kuten, S.
2012SERS substrates on the base of semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots Ge-on-Si nanostrustures to characterize inorganic microcrystalsKlyachkovskaya, E.; Strekal', N. D.; Motevich, I. G.; Vaschenko, S. V.; Harbachova, A. N.; Bel'kov, M. V.; Gaponenko, S.; Dais, C.; Sigg, H.; Stoica, T.; Griitzmacher, D.
2012Quantum Chemical Simulation of The Structure of The Endohedral Backminsterfullerene DerivativesDikusar, E.; Potkin, V.; Zelenkovskii, V.; Pushkarchuk, A.; Khrutchinsky, A.; Kuten, S.; Kilin, S.
2012Influence of electromagnetic radiation on an array of carbon nanotubes in the presence of electric nanosecond impulsesSadykov, N.; Scorkin, N.
2012Nanostructuring of Si-based alloy layers induced by fast recrystallizationGaiduk, P.; Prakopyeu, S.; Ivlev, G.