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The conference proceedings include the theses submitted at the VIII th International scientific conference of young scientists, PhD students, Master`s degree students, and students «Actual environmental problems» in English, which was held in November 22–23, 2018 at the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University.

The proceedings are reffered to a wide range of expert, lecturers of higner and secondary educational establishments, PhD students, Master`s degree students and students.

Actual Environmental Problems : Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students, November 22–23, 2018, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / ISEI BSU; edited by S. A. Maskevitch, S. S. Poznjak. – Minsk: 2018. – 188 p.

The general editorship:

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor S. A. Maskevich; Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor S. S. Poznyak


Goncharova N. V., Lysukha N. A., Petrenko S. V., Tonkonogov B. A.

ISBN 979-985 7205-72-1.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 175
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Sustainable development in international water lawZmachinskaya, M.
2018The steel as part of historyZhuraukou, Y.; Bandarchyk, R.; Krasovskiy, V.
2018Newton's geniusYakshevich, S.; Demidchik, V.; Krasovsky, V.
2018Comparative characteristics of refuse derived fuel for use in cement kilnsShcherbina, E.; Fursa, Y.; Narkevitch, I.
2018HardnessPetran, M.; Gerasimchuk, I.; Krasovsky, V.
2018Structure and content of server database of renewable energy equipment and potential of renewable energy sourcesMoroz, A.; Tonkonogov, B.
2018HeliobiologyKononov, P.; Telyazhevich, V.
2018Assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions in the sector «Land use, land use change and forestry»Kankova, V.; Narkevitch, I.
2018Global climate change in the context of sustainable development goalsIhnatovich, A.
2018Climate change on the example of glazed frost in the territory of the Republic of BelarusBerezhkova, K.
2018Social and environmental, ethical and pedagogical problems in accordance with A. D. Sakharov’s ideasAstreyko, A.; Kot, E.
2018Local environmental monitoring on OJSC «Rechitsa metizny plant»Zuro, K.; Rodzkin, A.
2018Plant uptake of radiocaesium – potential for remediate radiocontaminated soilsZhuraukou, Y.; Goncharova, N.
2018Features of ecology of wetland birds of the Svisloch river in Minsk metropolisZhilkevich, A.; Khandohiy, A.
2018Estimation of the spatial distribution of the populations of common adder, the development of the places with the high number, promising for organizing the tradeVolosovich, A.; Mitsura, D.; Khandogiy, A.
2018Solar flares and their prediction methodsVasilevskaya, D.; Boyarkin, О.
2018Automation of water leakage control systemTurchinovich, A.; Smirnova, T.
2018Analysis of the environmental activities at Minsk heating networks of CHPP-2Turchinovich, A.; Smirnova, T.
2018Lighting management in a closed water environmentTkachenko, S.; Lefanova, I.
2018Sources of heavy metal increase in soils in the territory of Brest regionTaukach, G.; Pazniak, S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 175