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2017. Volume 20. Number 3 : [12] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.20, no.3 (2017), pp. 216-318

ISSN 1561-4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017On One Approximation of a Solution of the Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equation with a Drift and Its ApplicationZherelo, A.
2017Simulation of the ECAL Trigger System of the COMET ExperimentMelnik, A.; Shoukavy, Dz.
2017On the Analytical Structure of Relativistic Two-body Interaction CurrentBekzhanov, A. V.; Bondarenko, S. G.; Burov, V. V.
2017Optical Bistability, Switching Waves and Pattern Formation in Nonlinear Microcavities: Numerical Solution of Maxwell EquationsRomanov, O. G.
2017The Efficient Contour of the Inverse Mellin Transformation for the F3 Structure FunctionLashkevich, V. I.; Sidorov, A. V.; Solovtsova, O. P.
2017Measurable Quantities in Quantum Theory and Thermodynamics and Some Their ApplicationsShalyt-Margolin, Alexander
2017Integrability Study of a Four-dimensional Eighth-order Nonlinear Wave EquationSakovich, S. Yu.
2017Construction of Approximate Formulas for Functionals of the Wiener and Some Other Processes and Also Numerical ExamplesYanovich, L.; Khudyakov, A.
2017Classical and Quantum Dynamics of Electromagnetically Coupled Spinning Particles in Riemannian SpacetimesObukhov, Yu. N.; Silenko, A. J.; Teryaev, O. V.
2017Field-theoretical Model of Helical TurbulenceHnatic, M.; Zalom, P.
2017On Some Metric Characteristics of Polysystems with Control Switchings in Discrete TimeKhryashchev, S. M.
2017Valence Electronic Structure of CaNb2O6 Crystal with Embedding Potential MethodAbarenkov, I. V.; Fedorova, V. A.; Maltsev, D. A.; Titov, A. V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12