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Title: A new technology of fabricating ohmic metal-silicon contacts
Authors: Senko, S. F.
Snitovsky, Yu. P.
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Минск : БГУ
Citation: Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом: материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф., 3-5 окт. 2001 г., Минск. — Мн.: БГУ, 2001. — С. 89
Abstract: Results of performing dry cleaning, doping of silicon in BF3+H2 and BF3+H2+CF4 plasma during fabrication of ohmic constants m equipment having the same hardware configuration have been considered based on the concept of a closed manufacturing system
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/203899
ISBN: 985-445-236-0
Appears in Collections:2001. Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом

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