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Результаты 1 - 20 из 25  следующий >
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2016Marketing Activities of Countries to Attract Chinese Tourists: Trends and ChallengesSoroko, Piotr; Rashetnikau, Dzmitry; Сороко, Петр Осипович; Решетников, Дмитрий Георгиевич
2016Implementation of the PPP Programmes in the Sphere of the Foreign Economic Activity in the United KingdomLiakhouski, Uladzimir; Melnikava, Aliaksandra; Ляховский, Владимир Владимирович; Мельникова, Александра Константиновна
2016On Byelorussian SSR activities in UNESCO in the Years of Khrushchev “Thaw” (1954—1964)Svilas, Svetlata; Свилас, Светлана Францевна
2016Actual Trends of Regional Trade Agreements CreationYastreb, Tatiana; Ястреб, Татьяна Анатольевна
2016Shine out of Darkness: Metaphorical Image of Belarus in English Tourist DiscourseShymanskaya, Olga; Шиманская, Ольга Юрьевна
2016Crises, Conflicts and Discourse of Crises SituationsPilgun, Elena; Пильгун, Елена Витальевна
201625 Years on Guard of Economic Security. Establishment of a National Customs of the Republic of Belarus (1991—1993)Ostroga, Victor; Острога, Виктор Александрович
2016Belarus and Turkmenistan as CIS states — an Evolving Relationship (1991–2015)Chasnouski, Mechyslau; Khudayberdiyeva, Nurbibi; Чесновский, Мечислав Эдвардович; Худайбердиева, Нурбиби Худагулыевна
2016The International Asylum System: History of Formation and Contemporary ChallengesSelivanov, Andrey; Kravets, Liubou; Селиванов, Андрей Владимирович; Кравец, Любовь Сергеевна
2016Place and Role of China in Multipolar World FormationGaidukevich, Leonid; Pilgun, Elena; Гайдукевич, Леонид Михайлович; Пильгун, Елена Витальевна
2016Modern Tendencies of Foreign Trade Operations' TaxationTararyshkina, Lyubov; Тарарышкина, Любовь Ивановна
2016Specific Features of Foreign Trade Operations' Insurance in Modern ConditionsTararyshkin, Yura; Тарарышкин, Юрий Вячеславович
2016The Comparative Legal Analysis of the European and Belarusian Laws Conflict within the Sphere of Contractual ObligationsBabkina, Alena; Бабкина, Елена Васильевна
2016Range of Bodies Carrying Out State Administration in the Field of CustomsMartsiusheuskaya, Elena; Мартюшевская, Елена Николаевна
2016Труды факультета международных отношений : науч. сборник / БГУ, Факультет международных отношений; редкол. : В. Г. Шадурский (гл. ред.) [и др.]. - Вып. 7.-
2016Policy of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Security: Impact of Internal and External FactorsShadurski, Victor; Шадурский, Виктор Геннадьевич
2016Conceptual Approaches to Revenue Management in the International Practice of the Functioning of HotelsGaidukevich, Leonid; Dedok, Victoria; Гайдукевич, Леонид Михайлович; Дедок, Виктория Михайловна
2016The Problems of International Transit of Goods through the Territory of BelarusKudrashou, Mikita; Кудряшов, Никита Георгиевич
2016Insecticidal Films for Non-food Products PackagingVlasova, Galina; Власова, Галина Михайловна
2016Distinctive Features of Educational Tourism Development and Its Promotion on the Outbound Tourism Market of the Republic of BelarusKhomich, Svetlana; Kosterova, Natalia; Хомич, Светлана Александровна; Костёрова, Наталия Андреевна