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2015. Volume 18. Number 4 : [9] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.18, no.4, pp. 410-513 (2015)

ISSN 1561 - 4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Two Dimensional Wave Packages Scattering on Step and Rectangular PotentialsKrylov, G.
2015Plasmon-Polaritons in Fishnet Hyperbolic MetamaterialsKurilkina, S. N.; Belyi, V. N.; Kazak, N. S.
2015Statistic Methods for Control of Dynamical PolysystemsKhryashchev, S. M.
2015Pointsymmetries of Equations Describing Laminar Premixed Flame DynamicsVolkmann, J.; Migranov, N.
2015A Consistent Approach to Incoherent Scattering of Channeling ParticlesTikhomirov, V.
2015Active Ultra Wideband Wireless Networks Usage for Modelling Ensembles of Nonlinear Continuous Time Dynamical SystemsDmitriev, A. S.; Yemelyanov, R. Yu.; Gerasimov, M. Yu.; Itskov, V. V.
2015Plasmon-Enhanced WGM-based Biosensors for Molecule DetectionSaetchnikov, V. A.; Tcherniavskaia, E. A.; Saetchnikov, A. V.; Ostendorf, A.
2015Cellular Automata for Modeling Wireless Sensor NetworksKlinshov, V. V.; Shapin, D. S.; Dmitrichev, A. S.; Nekorkin, V. I.; Andreyev, Yu. V.
2015Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Damped Timoshenko and Damped Bresse SystemsManh Hong Duong
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9