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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Light Propagation in 2D Scattering MediaRomanov, Oleg G.; Tolstik, Alexei L.
2009Transformation of Topological Structure of Optical Vortices upon Frequency Non-Degenerate Four-Wave MixingGorbach, D. V.; Tolstik, Alexei L.; Romanov, Oleg G.
2011Anticonvulsive Effects of Experimental Transcranial Magnetic StimulationKistsen, Volha; Evstigneev, Victor; Dubovik, Boris; Kravchenko, Elena; Ulashchik, Vladimir
2011Analytical Solution of the Equations Describing Interstitial Migration of Impurity Atoms.Velichko, O. I.; Sobolevskaya, N. A.
2011Lepton Pair Production in Hadronic Collisions by Two Photon Exchange in Weizsäcker-Williams Approximation.Satsunkevich, I.; Shoukavy, Dz.; Khilkevich, A.
2011Role of Target Mass Corrections to the Longitudinal Structure Function Fl.Lashkevich, V. I.; Solovtsova, O. P.
2011Enhancement of Light - Matter Interaction in Metal - Dielectric NanostructuresGaponenko, S. V.
2011Burnup Estimation of Rhodium Self-Powered Neutron Detector Emitter in VVER Reactor Core Using Monte Carlo SimulationsKhrutchinsky, А. А.; Kuten, S. A.; Babichev, L. F.
2011Features of Generation of Evanescent Bessel Light Beams in the Structures Containing a Metamaterial LayerKurilkina, S. N.; Kazak, N. S.; Belyi, V. N.
2011Lie and Noether Symmetries of a Class of Time-Dependent Anharmonic Oscillators.Papamikos, Georgios A.
2011Neural Network Analysis of the Resonance Whispering Gallery Mode Characteristics of Biological AgentsSaetchnikov, Vladimir A.; Tcherniavskaia, Elina A.; Saetchnikov, Anton V.; Schweiger, Gustav; Ostendorf, Andreas
2011Polarized Effects in High Energy Photon and Electron Interaction in Linear Colliders.Shishkina, T. V.
2011Nonlinear Coherent LossMikhalychev, A. B.; Mogilevtsev, D. S.; Kilin, S. Ya.
2011Mechanisms Underlaying Regulation of Synaptic Transmission in Hippocampus by Hydrogen PeroxidePitlik, T. N.; Bulai, P. M.; Denisov, A. A.; Cherenkevich, S. N.
2011Note Added to "Information Geometry of a Regime-Switching Model with Time-Varying Parameters".De Sanctis, Angela
2011Modeling Micro-Macro Pedestrian Counterflow in Heterogeneous Domains.Evers, Joep; Muntean, Adrian
2011Parabolic Coordinates and the Hydrogen Atom in Spaces H3 and S3.Red'kov, V. M.; Ovsiyuk, E. M.
2011Uniform in Time Description of Singularities Interaction and the Uniqueness Problem.Omel'yanov, G. A.
2011Structural Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Behaviour of Non-Contact Standing Wave Ultrasonic MotorStepanenko, D. A.; Minchenya, V. T.
2011Two-Dimensional Oscillations in a Quantum Well with Polynomial PotentialSanin, А.; Semyonov, Е.