Browsing by Author Sverdlov, R. L.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2014 | Effects of tryptophan derivatives and β -carboline alkaloids on radiation- and peroxide-induced transformations of ethanol | Sverdlov, R. L.; Brinkevich, S. D.; Shadyro, O. I. |
| 2012 | Interaction of bioactive indole derivatives with α-hydroxyethyl radicals | Sverdlov, R. L.; Brinkevich, S. D.; Shadyro, O. I. |
| 2014 | Interaction of tryptophan and related compounds with oxygen- and carbon-centered radicals | Sverdlov, R. L.; Brinkevich, S. D.; Shadyro, O. I. |
| 2021 | Radiation-Induced Processes in Diazoquinone–Novolac Resist Films under Irradiation with 60Co γ-Rays | Brinkevich, S. D.; Brinkevich, D. I.; Prosolovich, V. S.; Sverdlov, R. L. |
| 2019 | Radical regulatory properties of radiosensitizers based on nitroazoles | Sverdlov, R. L.; Maliborskii, A. Ya.; Kimstach, D. B.; Bobrov, D. I.; Kapusto, I. A.; Kobyasheva, S. V.; Brinkevich, S. D.; Samovich, S. N.; Grigoriev, Yu. V.; Shadyro, O. I. |