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Title: Study of the surface luminescence properties of detonation nanodiamonds with various heat treatments
Authors: Eremenko, E. A.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Минск : БГУ
Citation: 80-я научная конференция студентов и аспирантов Белорусского государственного университета : материалы конф., Минск, 10–20 марта 2023 г. В 3 ч. Ч. 1 / Белорус. гос. ун-т ; редкол.: А. В. Блохин (гл. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БГУ, 2023. – С. 277-280.
Abstract: The luminescent properties of detonation nanodiamonds with different surface layer compositions are investigated. The luminescence, Raman, and IR spectra of 4 samples were obtained and analyzed: initial, air-annealed, vacuum-annealed, and air-annealed with octadecylamine grafting. It was found that the luminescence of samples with a large amount of non-diamond carbon is higher, but this does not explain the sharp increase in luminescence in the ample with an octadecylamine graft
Description: Физический факультет
URI: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/313612
ISBN: 978-985-881-551-6
978-985-881-550-9 (ч. 1)
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:2023. Научная конференция студентов и аспирантов БГУ. В трех частях

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