2023, №2
: [8]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2023 | Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations. – 2023. – No. 2 | - |
| 2023 | Figures in international affairs: Aslan Khuseinovich Abashidze, renowned scholar, jurist and expert in international law | Mikhaliova, T. N.; Salivanov, A. V. |
| 2023 | International Law Commission’s efforts in identifying general principles of law: regional perspectives | Mikhaliova, T. N. |
| 2023 | Augmenting the influence of the Chinese civilisation: the way of the Chinese dream | Vasilevskaya, V. E. |
| 2023 | The meaning, origins and relevance of infor mation sovereignty | Ivantsov, A. V. |
| 2023 | The Muslim communities’ influence on do mestic politics in Northern Europe | Patapeika, P. A. |
| 2023 | Outbound tourism from Soviet Belarus as a new battle line in the Cold War during the Khrushchev’s thaw | Huzhalouski, A. A. |
| 2023 | Topics of dissertations in international affairs defended in Belarus in 1991–2021 | Huryn, A. V. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8