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2022. Volume 25. Number 3 : [10] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.25, no.3 (2022), pp. 207-311

ISSN 1561-4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of Charged Hadron Yield Distribution in Au+Au Collisions Using Different Parton Energy Loss ModelsDabichev, L. F.; Rusak, Y. A.
2022Nonperturbative Corrections to Adler Function and Hypothesis of Vacuum DominanceKozhevnikova, M.; Oganesian, A.; Teryaev, O.; Solovtsova, O.
2022Spin 2 Particle with Anomalous Magnetic Moment in Riemann Space-Time : A Massless Case with the Gauge SymmetryDudko, I. G.; Red'kov, V. M.; Semenyuk, O. A.; Kisel, V. V.
2022Semiclassical Quantization Condition of the Energy Levels for the Relativistic System of Two Fermions with Arbitrary MassesChernichenko, Yu. D.
2022Cosmological Singularity as an Informational Seed for EverythingCherkas, S. L.; Kalashnikov, V. L.
2022MiniSPD Stand for Testing Si-DetectorsBarlykov, N.; Dudin, V.; Enik, T.; Ivanov, A.; Kokoulina, E.; Kutov, A.; Martovitski, E.; Nikitin, V.; Popov, V.
2022Quantum-Mechanical Scattering Problem in Lobachevsky Space at Low EnergiesKurochkin, Yu. A.; Otchik, V. S.; Shaikovskaya, N. D.; Shoukavy, Dz. V.
2022Polarization Properties of the Electrically Controlled Twist-Planar Liquid Crystal Diffraction StructureMelnikova, E.; Stashkevich, I.; Rushnova, I.; Tolstik, A.
2022Negative Derivative Feedback Controller for Repressing Vibrations of the Hybrid Rayleigh-Van der Pol-Duffing OscillatorAmer, Y. A.; L-Sayed, M. A.; Abd EL-Salam, M. N.
2022Evaluation of the Gottfried Sum and Antimatter Asymmetry in the Proton Incorporating the Most Recent Drell-Yan Data from the Fermilab SeaQuest/E906 ExperimentKotlorz, A.; Kotlorz, D.; Teryaev, O. V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10