Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 64
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2023 | Analysis of the marketing activities effectiveness of SAVAINVESTSTROY LLC : thesis abstract / Darya Andreevna Vakhomchik ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Pyko A.V. | Vakhomchik, Darya Andreevna |
| 2023 | Economic and statistical analyses performance of an organization (based on a case study of LLC “Xorex-Service”) : thesis abstract / Alexey Andreevich Buriy ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Gopka E. A. | Buriy, Alexey Andreevich |
| 2023 | Service demand forecasting based on seasonal data (using the example of LLС “ArsValeo”) : thesis abstract / Anastasiya Aleksandrovna Buraya ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Gopka E. A. | Buraya, Anastasiya Aleksandrovna |
| 2023 | Organization’s internal and external environment as a factor of management (based on a case «Shoprite») : thesis abstract / Sarah Nsongo Kamwanya ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Prohorova T. V. | Nsongo Kamwanya, Sarah |
| 2023 | Analysis and improvement of company sustainability strategy using the example of Turkcell Incorporated : thesis abstract / Berkay Durna ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Durna, Berkay |
| 2023 | Assessment of organization’s financial performance and the ways of its increse (based the Unitary Enteprise «Mogilevvtorchermet») : thesis abstract / Aliaksandr Dmitrievich Chachora ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Chudinova E. A. | Chachora, Aliaksandr Dmitrievich |
| 2023 | Strategic planning of organizational performance and the ways of its improvement for LLC MediaSpace : thesis abstract / Anastasia Sergeevna Khomich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Matskevich E. V. | Khomich, Anastasia Sergeevna |
| 2023 | Strategic planning of organizational performance and the ways of its improvement on the example of OJSC «Alivaria Brewery» : thesis abstract / Polina Dmitrievna Rusakevich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Matskevich E. V. | Rusakevich, Polina Dmitrievna |
| 2023 | Profitability analysis and ways of its imrovement using the example of PTUE “Shanti Plus” : thesis abstract / Maksim Nikolaevich Putikov ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Chudinova E. A. | Putikov, Maksim Nikolaevich |
| 2023 | Analysis of human resource management system at the enterprise Techartgroup LLC and the ways of its improvement : thesis abstract / Darya Vladimirovna Pismennaya ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Pyko A.V. | Pismennaya, Darya Vladimirovna |
| 2023 | Determining the value of commercial bank on example of OJSC “Paritetbank» : thesis abstract / Vladislav Dmitrievich Pankevich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Pankevich, Vladislav Dmitrievich |
| 2023 | Organization's internal and external environment and the ways of their improvement (based on SI “National Agency of Investment and Privatization”) : thesis abstract / Nikita Dmitrievich Molonosov | Molonosov, Nikita Dmitrievich |
| 2023 | Determining the value of the private company on example of Eurotorg LLC : thesis abstract / Anton Vitalievich Mikhalenka ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Mikhalenka, Anton Vitalievich |
| 2023 | Analysis of the fixed assets usage efficiency and ways of its improvement on the example of the branch “Children’s sanatorium “Sluch” of the OJSC “Belagrozdravnista” : thesis abstract / Marachkovski Stanislav Sergeevich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Marachkovski, Stanislav Sergeevich |
| 2023 | Development of a marketing strategy for e-commerce organization (based on a case study of Taobao) : Thesis abstrac / Ma Kunpeng ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Gopka E. A. | Kunpeng, Ma |
| 2023 | The development of growth strategy and business planning of investmenet project (using the example of Concord Eco LLC) : thesis abstract / Darya Maryanovna Liubich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Liubich, Darya Maryanovna |
| 2023 | Development of workforce motivation system in an organization (based on a case study of LLC NOVITA) : thesis abstract / Lysaya Hanna Aleksandrovna ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Prohorova T. V. | Lysaya, Hanna Aleksandrovna |
| 2023 | Analysis of company profitability and the ways of its increase (using example of «Swiss Pharma» LLC) : thesis abstract / Zaharynski Maxim Olegovich ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Myshkovets Y. A. | Zaharynski, Maxim Olegovich |
| 2023 | Organization’s internal and external environment as a factor of management on the example of LLC «HI support» : thesis abstract / Denisenko Ksenia Sergeevna ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Pyko A. V. | Denisenko, Ksenia Sergeevna |
| 2023 | Business planning of the investment project on the example of LLC «PLUS TDI» : thesis abstract / Maria Olegovna Gayko ; School of Business of BSU, Department of business administration ; Supervisor: Savrasov K. K. | Gayko, Maria Olegovna |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 64