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Title: Canonical structures and distributions on spaces with symmetries of order k
Authors: Balashchenko, V. V.
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия
Citation: Сборник научных статей международной школы-семинара ”Ломоносовские чтения на Алтае” Барнаул, 8-11 ноября, 2011: в 4 ч. – Барнаул: АлтГПА, 2011. – Ч. I. – С. 42-46.
Abstract: We present several new results on invariant distributions generated by canonical almost product structures on naturally reductive k–symmetric spaces. Besides, using canonical structures, we construct four left-invariant metric f–structures on the 6–dimensional generalized Heisenberg group and provide new invariant examples for the classes of nearly Kähler and Hermitian f–structures as well as almost Hermitian G1–structures.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/26839
ISBN: 978-5-88210-610-1
Appears in Collections:Архив статей механико-математического факультета до 2016 г.

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