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Title: Эоловые формы рельефа Белорусского Полесья
Authors: Киселев, В. Н.
Марзин, И. Г.
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: Минск : Университетское
Citation: Вестник Белорусского государственного университета. Сер. 2, Химия. Биология. География. – 1994. – № 1. – С. 55-58.
Abstract: In ByeIorussion Polesye in the ice-age the tundra-steppe landscape was characterised by the presence of areas of sand desert with barkhans and other sand formes of relief. The modern dynamics of these formes demands a detailed study with the aim of explaining anthropogenic transformations of the environment of this region
URI: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/252142
ISSN: 0372-5340
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:1994, №1 (февраль)

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