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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS vertical profile retrieval algorithms: Studies on field data from the CINDI-2 campaignBruchkouski, Ilya; Collaboration
2020Evaluating different methods for elevation calibration of MAX-DOAS (Multi AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) instruments during the CINDI-2 campaignDonner, Sebastian; Kuhn, Jonas; Van Roozendael, Michel; Bais, Alkiviadis; Beirle, Steffen; Bösch, Tim; Bognar, Kristof; Bruchkouski, Ilya; Lok Chan, Ka; Dörner, Steffen; Drosoglou, Theano; Fayt, Caroline; Frieß, Udo; Hendrick, François; Hermans, Christian; Jin, Junli; Li, Ang; Ma, Jianzhong; Peters, Enno; Pinardi, Gaia; Richter, Andreas; Schreier, Stefan F.; Seyler, André; Strong, Kimberly; Tirpitz, Jan-Lukas; Wang, Yang; Xie, Pinhua; Xu, Jin; Zhao, Xiaoyi; Wagner, Thomas
2020Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) climatic contribution to winter temperature in Belarus: Case of SSW 2017/2018Schlender, T.V.; Zhuchkevich, V.V.; Krasouski, A.N.; Umreika, S.D.
2020Inter-comparison of MAX-DOAS measurements of tropospheric HONO slant column densities and vertical profiles during the CINDI-2 campaignBruchkouski, Ilya; Collaboration
2020Intercomparison of NO2, O4, O3 and HCHO slant column measurements by MAX-DOAS and zenith-sky UV-visible spectrometers during CINDI-2Kreher, K.; Van Roozendael, M.; Hendrick, F.; Apituley, A.; Dimitropoulou, E.; Frieß, U.; Richter, A.; Wagner, T.; Lampel, J.; Abuhassan, N.; Ang, L.; Anguas, M.; Bais1, A.; Benavent, N.; Bösch, T.; Bognar, K.; Borovski, A.; Bruchkouski, I.
2015Application of the angular position of the visible horizon for atmospheric trace gases retrieval by MAX-DOAS methodBruchkouski, Ilya; Krasovsky, Alexander; Demin, Victor
2013Dynamical Mechanisms of Ozone Anomalies Formation as Revealed by Global-Scale and Regional Simulations with PlanetWRF and CAM modelling systemsBarodka, Siarhei; Krasouski, Alexander; Svetashev, Alexander; Turishev, Leonid; Zhuchkevich, Veronika
2013Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions in Positive Local Ozone Anomalies Formation Case StudiesShlender, Tsimafei; Bahdziun, Anatol; Krasouski, Alexander; Barodka, Siarhei
2013Local Cloudiness Development Forecast Based on Simulation of Solid Phase Formation Processes in the AtmosphereBarodka, Siarhei; Kliutko, Yauhenia; Krasouski, Alexander; Papko, Iryna; Svetashev, Alexander; Turishev, Leonid
2013Dynamic aspects of the ozone anomalies formation in the Antarctic regionLapo, Palina; Svetashev, Alexander; Krasouski, Alexander; Barodka, Siarhei
2012Evolution and structure of ozone mini-holes: a mesoscale integrated modeling case studyBarodka, S. K.; Krasouski, A. M.; Svetashev, A. G.; Turishev, L. N.; Zhuchkevich, V. V.
2016A Mechanism of Stratospheric Ozone Influence on Tropospheric Circulation PatternsBarodka, S.; Krasouski, A.; Mitskevich, Y.; Shalamyansky, A.
2016Measuring concentration of surface ozone by means of semiconductor gas sensorsDziomin, V.; Krasouski, A.; Bruchkouski, I.; Svetashev, A.; Turishev, L.
2013Employing the MAX-DOAS geometry in the process of retrieving a vertical profile of nitrogen dioxide concentrationBruchkouski, Ilya; Krasouski, Alexander
2016Independent remote system to monitor ozone layer state and measure active biological erythema dose of ultraviolet radiationDziomin, V.; Bruchkouski, I.; Harbatsevich, M.; Krasouski, A.; Svetashev, A.; Turishev, L.
2012Ice fraction impact on modeling of the atmospheric super convection casesTabalchuk, T. G.; Barodka, S. K.; Krasouski, A. M.; Svetashev, A. G.; Turishev, L. N.
2016Employing DOAS procedure for the study of stratospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide in AntarcticaBruchkouski, I.; Krasouski, A.; Dziomin, V.; Svetashev, A.; Barodka, S.; Turishev, L.
2016Dynamical structure and formation mechanisms of local ozone anomaliesBarodka, S.; Krasouski, A.; Lapo, P.; Svetashev, A.; Shlender, T.; Turishev, L.; Yakautsava, Y.; Zhuchkevich, V.
2016Statistical assessment of influence of changing meteorological conditions and anthropogenic air pollution level on surface ozoneLiudchik, A. M.; Pakatashkin, V. I.; Umreika, S. D.; Barodka, S. K.
2016Impact of Stratospheric Ozone Distribution on Features of Tropospheric CirculationBarodka, Siarhei; Krasouski, Aliaksandr; Mitskevich, Yaroslav; Shalamyansky, Arkady
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34