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2018. Volume 21. Number 2 : [10] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.21, no.2 (2018), pp. 102-205

ISSN 1561-4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Single Gauge Boson Production in eγ-interaction as a Modern Tool for Standard Model TestShershan, I. A.; Shishkina, T. V.
2018Simulation of Heat Removal from Fuel Rods in a Turbulent FlowBabichev, L.; Bakhanovitch, S.; Gromyko, G.; Zherelo, A.
2018Antisymmetric Wada Basins Prime Example: Unstable Antisaddles CaseMakarova, M. V.; Kovalew, I. A.; Serow, D. W.
2018Calculation of Masses Spectrum and Leptonic Widths of Mesons in the Relativistic Quasipotential ApproachChernichenko, Yu. D.; Kondratjuk, V. V.
2018Monte Carlo Simulation of Fluctuations in Heavy-Ion Collisions for QGP – Hadron First-Order Phase TransitionsBabichev, L. F.; Rusak, Yury
2018Modeling of Thermomechanical Action of Femtosecond Laser Pulses on Metallic NanogratingsShtykov, Y. K.; Romanov, O. G.
2018Minimal Quantities and Measurability. Gravity in Measurable Format and Natural Transition to High EnergiesShalyt-Margolin, Alexander
2018Single Gene Dynamics under Controlled MatingObolonkin, V.; Zherelo, A.; Krylov, G.; Jorgensen, M.; Spelman, R.
2018Synergy Technologies of the Direct Layer DepositionChizhik, S. A.; Kheifetz, M. L.; Vityaz, P. A.
2018Lepton Flavor-Violating Decays of the Higgs Boson within the Left-Right Symmetric ModelBoyarkin, O. M.; Boyarkina, G. G.; Vasileuskaya, D. S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10