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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/225777
Title: Оценка финансовой устойчивости местных бюджетов для целей межбюджетного выравнивания (на примере бюджетов Витебской области)
Authors: Ходякова, Ю. Г.
Позднякова, И. А.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Минск : Изд. центр БГУ
Citation: Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013" / редкол. : А. И. Жук (пред.) [и др.]. - Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2014. - С. 388-389.
Abstract: The article deals with theoretical and methodological aspects of budgetary financial stability for the purposes of interbudgetary equalization. The level of financial stability was determined by factor analysis, comparative analysis, cluster analysis, the data of which, was tested empirically. By the results of the analysis, conclusion about the necessity of further redistribution of interbudgetary transfer from the superior budget into the local was made
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/225777
ISBN: 978-985-553-227-0
Appears in Collections:Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013"

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