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Title: Содержание йода в листьях и плодах некоторых видов лекарственных растений
Authors: Мангаладзе, Нина Шотаевна
Ониани, Джаба Ардеванович
Юрин, Владимир Михайлович
Ониани, Тамара Ираклиевна
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Минск : БГУ
Citation: Вестник Белорусского государственного университета. Сер. 2, Химия. Биология. География. – 2004. - № 3. – С. 94-95.
Abstract: The leaves Chamomilla officinalis, Humulus lupulus, Sambucus nigra. Foeniculum vulgare, Hyppophae rhamnoides, Simphitum offcinalis, Vaccimum mirtillis, Laurus nobiiis are shown comprising iodine in significantly higher concentrations as compared Origanum vulgare, Astragalus caucasicus, Carum cam. Plantago major, Achillea millefolium. Veronica officinalis. At the same time iodine content in the leaves is highest in the spring, while in summer the content of iodine is markedly decreased. Thus, to include the green mass of plants examined in iodine-containing diet, collection of leaves is recommended in spring The fruits of plant under examination do not contain iodine.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/208802
ISSN: 0372-5340
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:2004, №3 (октябрь)

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