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Title: Electroless deposition and Electroplating of Metals
Authors: Sviridov, V. V.
Gaevskaya, T. V.
Stepanova, L. I.
Vorobyova, T. N.
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: BSU
Citation: Chemical problems of the development of new materials and technologies. Сб.ст. Вып1/ под ред.О.А. Ивашкевича
Series/Report no.: 1
Abstract: The present paper summarizes the main results of the research on the electroless and electrochemical metal deposition from aqueous solutions, which has been carried out in the Research Institute of Physical-Chemical problems of the Belarussian State University and at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the BSU for the last three decades. The paper covers the following problems: the main peculiarities of electroless and electrochemical deposition of copper, nickel, Ni-B,Ni-P, gold films 0.1-30 mkm and more in thickness, their phase composition, morphology and properties; the characteristic features of of hydrometallurgic allowing (e.g. electroless and electrochemical deposition of a number of binary alloy coatings such as Cu-Ni, Cu-Cd, Cu-Sn, Cu-Zn, Ni-Sn, Ni-W, Ni-Mo), methods of their chemical and phase composition and microstructure regulation, together with correlation between these parameters and alloy properties; the methods for composite metal and alloy film plating from solutions with production of materials including metal oxides and thus possessing unusual and useful properties; the peculiarities of metal film plating onto dielectrics with production of continuous films and metal conductive patterns without the use of photoresists.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/20690
Appears in Collections:2003. Chemical problems of the development of new materials and technologies. Issue 1.

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