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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1985Molecular Structure of 4,4'-Dimethoxydibenzoyl PeroxideKosnikov, A. Yu.; Antonovskii, V. L.; Lindeman, S. V.; Struchkov, Yu. T.; Zyat'kov, I. P.; Pitsevich, G. A.; Gogolinskii, V. I.
1988MNDO Analysis of Aliphatic Diacyl Peroxide ConformationZyat'kov, I. P.; Sagaidak, D. I.; Gogolinskii, V. I.; Pitsevich, G. A.; Knyazhevich, N. D.
2008Calculation of Intensities of Torsional-Rotational Bands in the Ir Absorption Spectrum of Hydrogen PeroxideShashok, A. V.; Shundalau, M. B.; Pitsevich, G. A.
2010Calculation of Torsional and Rotational Raman Spectra of Hydrogen PeroxidePitsevich, G. A.; Shundalau, M. B.; Umreiko, D. S.
2010Calculation of Vibrational Spectra for Dioxouranium Monochloride Monomer and DimersUmreiko, D. S.; Shundalau, M. B.; Zazhogin, A. P.; Komyak, A. I.
2010Modeling the Structure and Vibrational Spectra for Oxouranium Dichloride Monomer and DimerUmreiko, D. S.; Shundalau, M. B.; Trubina, O. V.
2011Coherent tunneling in periodic symmetric multiple well potentialsShundalau, M. B.; Romanov, O. G.
2011Modeling of structures and calculation of IR vibrational spectra of N, N-dimethylformamide dimers by density functional theoryShundalau, M. B.; Chybirai, P. S.; Komyak, A. I.; Zazhogin, A. P.; Ksenofontov, M. A.; Umreiko, D. S.
2011Vibrational analysis of 4, 4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanatePitsevich, G. A.; Shundalau, M.; Ksenofontov, M. A.; Umreiko, D. S.
2011Quantum chemical simulation and low-temperature FTIR investigations of the structure and spectral characteristics of methanol monomer and dimer in an argon matrixPitsevich, G. A.; Doroshenko, I. Yu.; Pogorelov, V. Ye.; Umrejko, D. S.
2011Vibrational analysis of 4, 4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanatePitsevich, G. А.; Shundalau, Maksim; Ksenofontov, М. А.; Umreiko, D. S.
2012A DFT modeling of the uranium trioxide vibration spectra characteristicsShundalau, M.B.; Zajogin, A.P.; Komiak, A.I.; Sokolsky, A.A.; Umreiko, D.S.
2012Structure of the Complex Ucl4⋅2dmf by Vibrational Infrared Spectroscopy and Density Functional TheoryShundalau, M. B.; Komyak, A. I.; Zazhogin, A. P.; Umreiko, D. S.
2012Computer simulation of the effect exerted by argon matrix on the internal rotation barriers and torsional states of methanol moleculePitsevich, G. A.; Shundalau, M. B.
2012Quantum Chemical Modeling of UV Spectra of Polyurethane Structural FragmentsKsenofontov, M. A.; Umreiko, D. S.; Shundalau, M. B.
2012Спектрально-структурные характеристики наноразмерных кластеров трет-бутилового спирта в аргоновой матрицеДорошенко, И. Ю.; Пицевич, Г. А.; Погорелов, В. Е.
2012Recovery of Symmetry of Non-Empiric Force Fields of Cyclic Molecules in Going to Complete Sets of Equivalent Natural CoordinatesPitsevich, G. A.; Malevich, A. E.
2012Nonempiric Anharmonic Computations of IR Spectra of Ethanol Conformers in B3LYP/сс-pVQZ Approximation (Stretch С-Н Vibrations)Pitsevich, G. A.; Doroshenko, I. Yu.; Pogorelov, V. E.; Shablinskas, V.; Balevichus, V.; Kozlovskaya, E. N.
2012Two-Dimension Study of Methanol Internal-Overall Rotation in Argon MatrixPitsevich, G. A.; Malevich, A. E.
2012Structure and Vibrational ir Spectra of a UCl4⋅2DMSO ComplexShundalau, M. B.; Chybirai, P. S.; Komyak, A. I.; Zazhogin, A. P.; Umreiko, D. S.