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2016. Volume 19. Number 3 : [8] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.19, no.3 (2016), pp. 211-314

ISSN 1561 - 4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Non-Maxwellian Electrodynamics in Earth’S Reference System: Applications in High-Energy PhysicsObukhov, Yu. N.; Silenko, A. J.; Teryaev, O. V.
2016Mathematical Model of the Controlled Sustainable Development of the RegionChernogorski, S.; Shvetsov, K.; Zherelo, A.
2016Thomas Precession in General RelativitySilenko, A. J.
2016A model solution of the generalized Langevin equation: Emergence and Breaking of Time-Scale Invariance in Single-Particle Dynamics of LiquidsMokshin, A. V.; Galimzyanov, B. N.
2016The Fractal Method for Analysis of Macro Models of the Celestial Bodies SurfaceAndreev, A. O.; Demina, N. Y.; Demin, S. A.; Nefedyev, Y. A.; Churkin, K. O.
2016Analysis of Innovation Development in the Economy with Exhaustible Resource Sector by First Order Dynamical Systems ApplicationChursin, A. A.; Semenov, A. S.; Danilchanka, A. V.
2016Multiple-Relaxation-Time Finsler-Lagrange Dynamics in a Compressed Langmuir MonolayerBalan, V.; Grushevskaya, H. V.; Krylova, N. G.; Neagu, M.
2016Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Self-Trapping Waveguides in Photopolymer Absorbing Layers with Competing NonlinearitiesRomanov, O. G.; Tolstik, A. L.; Tolstik, E.; Matusevich, V.; Kowarschik, R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8