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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаЗаглавиеАвтор(ы)
2016On Byelorussian SSR activities in UNESCO in the Years of Khrushchev “Thaw” (1954—1964)Svilas, Svetlata; Свилас, Светлана Францевна
2016Belarus and Turkmenistan as CIS states — an Evolving Relationship (1991–2015)Chasnouski, Mechyslau; Khudayberdiyeva, Nurbibi; Чесновский, Мечислав Эдвардович; Худайбердиева, Нурбиби Худагулыевна
2016The International Asylum System: History of Formation and Contemporary ChallengesSelivanov, Andrey; Kravets, Liubou; Селиванов, Андрей Владимирович; Кравец, Любовь Сергеевна
2016Place and Role of China in Multipolar World FormationGaidukevich, Leonid; Pilgun, Elena; Гайдукевич, Леонид Михайлович; Пильгун, Елена Витальевна
2016Policy of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Security: Impact of Internal and External FactorsShadurski, Victor; Шадурский, Виктор Геннадьевич
2016“New Ottomanism” as a Guiding Foreign Policy Doctrine for Modern TurkeySharapo, Alexander; Шарапо, Александр Викторович
2016“The Post-Soviet States in German Foreign Policy (1991–2005)” written by Associate Professor of the International Relations Department of the Belarusian State University Dr. Vladislav FroltsovKudryachenko, Andrii; Кудряченко, Андрей Иванович