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2014. Volume 17. Number 3 : [16] Collection home page

NPCS Vol.17, no.3, pp. 210-309 (2014)

ISSN 1561 - 4085

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Some extremal properties of the solutions of ordinary differential equations systemsPetrichenko, M. R.; Serow, D. W.
2014Mathematical models of complex systems on the basis of artificial neural networksVasilyev, A. N.; Tarkhov, D. A.
2014Illustrations of irreducibility and tops of umbrellas in the PostScript methodologyKovalew, I. A.; Serow, D. W.
2014Three levels of difficulty in quantitative analyzing the results of real measuring regression experimentsChebrakov, Yu. V.
2014A finite-state model of botnets’ desinfection and removalZegzhda, D. P.; Stepanova, T. V.
2014Approach to assessment of measures sufficiency of confidential information protectionSuprun, A. F.
2014Efficiency estimation of the protection software for neutralization and elimination of botnetsZegzhda, D. P.; Stepanova, T. V.
2014Dimension reduction in network attacks detection systemsPlatonov, V. V.; Semenov, P. O.
2014Analysis of hidden field equations cryptosystem over odd-characteristic fieldsKuzmina, N. G.; Makhovenko, E. B.
2014Formalization of objectives of grid systems resources protection against unauthorized accessKalinin, M. O.; Konoplevy, A. S.
2014Reflexive control over intruder using deception systemsLavrova, D. S.; Pavlenko, E. Y.; Pechenkinz, A. I.
2014Formal security model for virtual machine hypervisors in cloud computing systemsZegzhda, D. P.; Nikolsky, A. V.
2014Using principles of fractal image compression for complexity estimation of the face recognition problemMoskvin, D. A.; Gluhov, V. V.
2014On Boolean ideals and varieties with application to algebraic attacksRostovtsev, A. G.; Mizyukin, A. A.
2014Strengthening differential and linear attacks using virtual isomorphismsRostovtsev, A. G.; Suprun, A. F.
2014Modern problems of cybersecurityVasiliev, Y. S.; Zegzhda, P. D.; Kuvshinov, V. I.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16