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Sviridov Readings 2015 : [87] Collection home page


Abstracts are devoted to chemistry of solid micro- and nanostructered, thin film and molecular systems on the base of inorganic and organic substances, metals and metal complexes as well as methods of their synthesis and investigation of their chemical and phase composition, microstructure and properties. The problems of chemical education, chemistry teaching and training in schools and universities are discussed.

Тезисы докладов, посвященных проблемам химии твердотельных, микро- и наноструктурированных, тонкопленочных и молекулярных систем на основе органических и неорганических соединений, металлов и металлокомплексов, а также методам их синтеза, исследованию химического и фазового состава, микроструктуры и свойств. Обсуждаются проблемы химического образования и организации учебного процесса и преподавания химии в высшей школе.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 87
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Sviridov Readings 2015 : 7-th Intern. Conf. on Chemistry and Chemical Education, Minsk, 7-11 April, 2015 : Book of Abstrats-
2015Synthesis and investigation of transition metal coordination сompounds with isomeric tetrazole Schiff basesKezun, E. V.; Lesnikovich, A. I.; Degtyarik, M. M.
2015The crystal structure of 2-(tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine complexes with Cu(II) and Co(II) chloridesGrigoriev, Y. V.; Lyakhov, A. S.; Ivashkevich, L. S.; Voitekhovich, S. V.; Lesnikovich, A. I.
2015Bioactive Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with Mannich basesHarbatsevich, H. I.; Petrashevskaya, T. V.; Azarko, I. I.; Osipovich, N. P.; Osipovich, N. P.; Loginova, N. V.; Koval’chuk, T. V.
2015Molecular structure and paramagnetic properties of lantanides complexes with bisdiisobutil dithiophosphinate and 1,10-phenanthroline using NMRBabailov, S. P.; Zapolotsky, E. N.; Bryleva, Yu. A.
2015Au-Sn powders production by cementation from solutionsPyatkevich, M. P.; Maltanava, H. M.; Vorobyova, T. N.
2015Stability and rheology of silica suspensions stabilised by surface active substancesSavitskaya, T. A.; Kimlenka, I. M.; Shakhno, E. A.; Gaishun, V. E.; Kosenok, Ya. A.
2015Simulation of the process of crystal surfaces chemical polishingYukhnevich, A. V.; Mayer, I. A.; Usenka, A. E.
2015Study of anodizing mode effects on synthesis of self-ordering TiO2 nanotubesKovger, J.; Jagminas, A.; Karpič, R.; Chernyakova, K. V.
2015Estimation of surfactants adsorption in oil dispersive systemsYakavets, N. V.; Opanasenko, O. N.; Krut’ko, N. P.
2015Nano- and ultradisperse powders of superhard materials as modifiers of liquid lubricantYuzhik, L. I.; Karpinchik, E. V.; Zhornik, V. I.; Kovaleva, S. A.
2015Inhibition of steel corrosion by, Co(II), Zn diphosphatesSolod, N. V.; Antraptseva, N. M.; Pedashevskiy, V. S.
2015Improved alkali resistance of basalt fibers with zirconia and titania coatingsRybin, V. A.; Baklanova, N. I.; Utkin, A. V.
2015The effective fire protection of nonwoven polyether materialReva, O. V.; Bogdanova, V. V.; Andreeva, T. N.; Nazarovich, A. N.; Luk`yanov, A. S.
2015Multiple hafnium germanate interphase for SiC / SiCf compositesProkip, V. E.; Utkin, A. V.; Baklanova, N. I.
2015Background of nanoscale gradient formation in the structure of steel 9HF at hard plastic deformationKovalenko, V. V.; Belkin, R. M.; Belkin, V. P.
2015Investigation of antibacterial properties of ultrafiltration polymeric membranesKochkodan, V. M.; Kochkodan, O. D.; Levadna, T. I.; Kovtun, V. S.
2015Removal of nitrate ions from natural water by nanofiltrationKochkodan, O. D.; Kochkodan, V. M.; Boyko, G. N.
2015The advantages of sulfur/graphene oxide materialsAgisheva, A. A.; Bekeshev, A. Z.; Imangalieva, B. S.
2015Copper(II) sorption with tetrazolated Nitron D-5 polyacrylonitrile fibreGrigoriev, Y. V.; Grigorieva, I. M.; Voitekhovich, S. V.; Ivashkevich, O. A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 87