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Title: Энергетические состояния молекул в пластических кристаллах некоторых клеточных углеводородов и их гидроксипроизводных
Authors: Блохин, Андрей Викторович
Черепенников, Михаил Борисович
Кабо, Геннадий Яковлевич
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Мінск : БДУ
Citation: Выбраныя навуковыя працы Беларускага Дзяржаўнага універсітэта : У 7 т. Т. 5 : Хімія / Рэдкал.: В. В. Свірыдаў (адказ. рэд.) і інш. - Мінск, 2001. - с.429-445
Abstract: The results of the investigations of phase transitions for some cage hydrocarbons and three adamantanols in the condensed state are presented; the orientation contributions to the heat capacity and the entropy of their -plastic» crystals are calculated; the X-ray analysis of highl- and low-temperature crystalline phases for adamantanols are carried out. The parameters of orientational disorder of molecules in the -plastic- crystals of the studied compounds are evaluated. The influence of hydrogen bonding is taken into account when calculating the numbers of non-equivalent orientations of molecules in the -plastic» crystals and the mean energy differences between the -plastic» and the -basic» orientations for adamantanols. The energy parameters of H-bonding are determined from i.r. spectra.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/106100
ISBN: 985-445-534-3 (Т. 5)
Appears in Collections:Избранные научные труды Белорусского государственного университета. Химия

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