Browsing by Author Reut, V. E.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2024 | Detection of the brominating activity of myeloperoxidase using fluorescein | Grigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Reut, V. E.; Simakin, A. V.; Kostevich, V. A.; Gorbunov, N. P.; Panasenko, O. M.; Sokolov, A. V. |
| 2023 | Effect of cerium and selenium nanoparticles on functional activity of neutrophils in vitro | Baryshev, A. S.; Burmistrov, D. E.; Pobedonostsev, R. V.; Kazantseva, D. V.; Simakin, A. V.; Astashev, M. E.; Shkirin, A. V.; Kozlov, V. A.; Bunkin, N. F.; Reut, V. E.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V. |
| 2022 | Fluorescent probes for HOCl detection in living cells | Reut, V. E.; Gorudko, I. V.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Sokolov, A. V.; Panasenko, O. M. |
| 2021 | Gallocyanine as a fluorogen for the identification of NADPH-dependent production of superoxide anion radical by blood cells | Panasenko, O. M.; Reut, V. E.; Borodina, I. V.; Matyushkina, D. S.; Ivanov, V. A.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Sokolov, A. V.; Cherenkevich, S. N. |
| 2022 | Modeling the kinetics of the singlet oxygen effect in aqueous solutions of proteins exposed to thermal and laser radiation | Shkirin, A. V.; Chirikov, S. N.; Suyazov, N. V.; Reut, V. E.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Bruskov, V. I.; Gudkov, S. V. |
| 2022 | New application of the commercially available dye celestine blue B as a sensitive and selective fluorescent “turn-on” probe for endogenous detection of HOCl and reactive halogenated species | Reut, V. E.; Kozlov, S. O.; Kudryavtsev, I. V.; Grudinina, N. A.; Kostevich, V. A.; Gorbunov, N. P.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Kalvinkovskaya, J. A.; Bushuk, S. B.; Varfolomeeva, E. Y.; Fedorova, N. D.; Gorudko, I. V.; Panasenko, O. M.; Vasilyev, V. B.; Sokolov, A. V. |
| 2023 | Possible approaches to studying the influence of magnetic fields and mechanical effects on the physicochemical properties of aqueous IgG colloids | Nagaev, E. I.; Molkova, E. A.; Pustovoy, V. I.; Matveeva, T. A.; Zakharov, D. A.; Simakin, A. V.; Stepanova, E. V.; Semenova, N. A.; Reut, V. E.; Kalinitchenko, V. P.; Kozlov, V. A.; Bunkin, N. F. |