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dc.contributor.authorNovitsky, Andrey V.-
dc.contributor.authorLavrinenko, Andrei V.-
dc.identifier.citationA. Novitsky, A.V. Lavrinenko, Coherence matrix of plasmonic beams, PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND, VOL. 5 (2), 66-68 (2013).ru
dc.description.abstractWe consider monochromatic electromagnetic beams of surface plasmon-polaritons created at interfaces between dielectric media and metals. We theoretically study non-coherent superpositions of elementary surface waves and discuss their spectral degree of polarization, Stokes parameters, and the form of the spectral coherence matrix. We compare the polarization properties of the surface plasmonspolaritons as three-dimensional and two-dimensional fields concluding that the latter is superior.ru
dc.publisherPhotonics Society of Polandru
dc.titleCoherence matrix of plasmonic beamsru
Appears in Collections:Кафедра теоретической физики и астрофизики (статьи)

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