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Title: О нынешнем состоянии СНГ и перспективах его развития
Other Titles: On the Current Situation in the CIS and Its Development Prospects (Alexandr Gordeychik, Vladimir Snapkovsky)
Authors: Гордейчик, Александр Иванович
Снапковский, Владимир Евдокимович
Keywords: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Комплексные проблемы общественных наук
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 1999. — № 1
Abstract: The article "On the Current Situation in the CIS and Its Development Prospects" offers a complex study of the trends of development of mutual understanding, security and cooperation between the CIS member states in socio¬ economic, political and military spheres. The authors outline the causes for the crisis within the CIS, the economic interrelations of the CIS states, the relations of the CIS member-states in the military sphere, the geopolitical factors of the members-states development, the system-shaping factor of Russia, the position of Ukraine concerning the CIS reforming and the prospects for the development of the CIS at the present stage. The article analyses the importance of the interrelations of the former USSR republics in the context of their foreign policy strategies, and throws light on the forms and the ways of the economic interrelations and the integrational links between Belarus and the CIS member-states. The authors succeeded in showing the dependence of the prospects of the interrelations of the CIS member-states on the level of correlation of various interests in the integrational projects underway; on the scale and speed of the establishment of the system of advantages expected from the implementation of the integrational process. Summing up the materials reflecting various positions and opinions the authors emphasized that in case the internal integration model fails to emerge, the alternative would be gradual involvement of the CIS member-states into the zone of influence of other geopolitical, financial and economic integration groups, on harder and more humiliating conditions than those offered now within the framework of the Economic Union. The authors remind that the process of drawing together of two sovereign states will entail different political and economic, financial, social, military, diplomatic and information problems.
Description: Раздел - "Международные отношения"
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/30244
Appears in Collections:Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 1999. — № 1

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