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Title: Продовольственная безопасность: методы исследования, пути достижения
Other Titles: Food Security: Methods of Research and Ways of Achievement (Natalia Svireyko)
Authors: Свирейко, Наталья Евгеньевна
Keywords: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Комплексные проблемы общественных наук
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Международное общественное объединение по изучению ООН и информационно-образовательным программам
Citation: Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2004. — № 4
Abstract: The problem of food security has b e e n drawing the attention of the world community since the 1970s when the latter became aware of the lack of world food resources. The t e rm "food security" was internationally spread after the 1972— 1973 "grain crisis". In this case global food security was mainly understood as "preserving stability on food product markets at availability of basic food products for all countries of the world". It was believed that achieving food security at the global level could lead to food security at the level of states. Aggravation of the food problem in the following period made for development of a new approach to this problem according to which reaching food security on the globalscale became possible only after providing it at the level of each country, including the Republic of Belarus. There are different approaches to the definition of "food security". They are based either on the import of food products, as well as on self-sufficiency or on the combination of import and the country's own development of food. Special attention has b e e n paid recently to the right to nutrition supply, i.e. the right to have regular and free access to secure and balanced nutrition in sufficient amounts in peace time and also during wartime. To provide a country's food security today means support of its own production of raw food materials and products, and the reduction of import. In this connection food security is such a condition of the country's economy when stable provision of processing industry with agricultural raw materials and the sufficient volume of secure balanced food products with regard to their income are guaranteed, also providing some independence from the import of raw materials andproducts. The latter means that the import on 9 basic groups of food products should not exceed 3 0% of the volume of their domestic consumption. The author proposes a system of indicators and their critical values covering all components of food security: physical and economic availability of food products and their security. Estimation of the offered figures revealed a n unsatisfactory situation will food security of the Republic of Belarus o n vegetable oil, fish products, sugar, margarine products. The level of consumption of basic food items does not correspond to rational consumption norms. Despite satisfactory calorie content, an average ration of Belarusians is characterized by the imbalance on main products: excessive consumption of fat, lack of and unbalanced proteins of quality (lack of proteins of animal origin). The country's population gets insufficient amount of vitamins and mineral substances. The share of the population's spending o n products purchase remains high (over 50%) proving low living standards of the majority of population and relatively limited economic access to food products. The author believes that one should create an integrated system of control of the processes related to the problem in order to achieve food security of the country. In her opinion, the main conditions for achieving food security are both efficient work of enterprises in the agricultural sphere, processing industry, trade and improvement of general condition of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. The basis for sufficient provision of population by local food products is the growth of population's real income, support of local manufacturers in order to produce food products with increased nutrition value, rationalization of volume and structure of import, development of import substitution production of several production types (especially vegetable oil).
Description: Раздел - "Международные экономические отношения"
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/29006
Appears in Collections:Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2004. — № 4

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