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Title: Ислам и Центральная Азия: подходы преподавания спецкурсов
Other Titles: Islam and Central Asia: Towards Special Course Teaching (Roza Turarbekova)
Authors: Турарбекова, Роза Маратовна
Keywords: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Народное образование. Педагогика
ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Политика и политические науки
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: МОО "Развитие"
Citation: Журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2005. — № 1
Abstract: The article deals with the issues of teaching special courses on the role of political Islam in contemporary global processes and its manifestations in the case of Central Asia. Both theoretical and practical grounds for teaching such special courses are presented. The paper raises important problems of political correctness in addressing the role of Islam in contemporary political relations. At the same time, attention is drawn to the problem of encouraging active and efficient learning of students through innovative methodological tasks, most promising of which seems alternation of various forms and regimes of practicals — from the round-table discussion to the role-play. The traditional form of lectures also remains significant. While raising the issue of political correctness and competent assessment of the Islamic factor role in world politics the author suggests drawing the students’ attention to a number of expert studies which may give a picture of current academic discourse on the problems under discussion. The author proposes a series of topics on Islam and Central Asia. To begin with, students are asked to participate in the round-table discussion “The study of the political Islam phenomenon in Central Asia”, so as to introduce categories and concepts in this field. Students are offered materials and points for discussion. Secondly, within the structural framework a lecture is read on “Islam as a Factor in International Relations: Central Asia and the Outer World”. It envisions the analysis of the Islamic factor influence at all levels, from the Islamic states’ leaders to the international Islamic organisations. As a third step students are advised to take part in a role play on one of the most topical problems of contemporary Islamic world “Islam and Democracy: Possibilities and Limitations”. The role play takes 4 hours of class time. The author provides materials for preparation consisting of controversial articles of well-known experts on political Islam. Before that students are asked to complete a number of question-answer tasks on the materials provided which would further the discussion during the role play. Besides, the article carries methodological suggestions on the organisation of the role play and a supplement with recommendations.
Description: Раздел "Международные отношения"
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/27733
Appears in Collections:Журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2005. — № 1

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