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Title: Безопасность в контексте политической морали
Other Titles: Security in the Political Morality Context (Sergey Lomov)
Authors: Ломов, Сергей Александрович
Keywords: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Политика и политические науки
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: МОО "Развитие"
Citation: Журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2005. — № 1
Abstract: At present one of the most urgent problems that challenges the mankind is the provision of security. With the modern world turning into the "global society of risk", this problem can be solved only if the society takes a serious attitude to the questions of politics, especially to such aspects as nomination and election of persons responsible for the implementation of both national and international politics. The main criteria for such officials have to be personal moral qualities and professionalism. Under the conditions of rapid development of the means of communication, the arms race which has not ceased in fact, and the unprecedented activization of terrorism the only possible way to preserve stability in the world is to build an international relations system based on universal human values and shared interests of the members of the international community. To achieve this goal, every politician has to be guided by the general moral principles, norms of international law, and approaches verified by the theory of international relations. Some state leaders use particular theoretical propositions, taken out of context, for example they form the theory of political realism which is very popular nowadays, to justify the aggressive policy of their states. Moreover, international law is often understood by them as a number of ideological postulates, for example, the liberal ones, corresponding to their national interests that can be promoted, if necessary, with the use of military and economic power. The particular danger of the policy of "national egoism" lies in the fact that it is often supported by the nation, which does not realize, that the consequences of this policy will inevitably, as a boomerang, hit the nation itself. A great danger is also presented by the situation, when it is usually normal for the society to see politics as a kind of "dirty business", i. e. an exceptional procedure, the execution of which tolerates the use of almost any means, including the illegal ones. The lack of security and stability in the world results not from the insufficient number of national and international judicial norms, but from the political passivity of the population of the majority of states in the world, that permits national governments to violate national and international law. Only a truly rational foreign policy based on the principle of superiority of morality and law can bring real benefits to a state.
Description: Раздел "Международные отношения"
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/27729
Appears in Collections:Журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2005. — № 1

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