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Title: Integrated-Optical Nematic Liquid Crystal Switches: Designing and Operation Features
Authors: Rushnova, I. I.
Kabanova, O. S.
Melnikova, E. A.
Tolstik, A. L.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Minsk : Education and Upbringing
Citation: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. - 2018. - Vol. 21, № 3. - P. 206-219
Abstract: This paper presents results obtained during the process of designing and experimental investigation for operation features of miniature integrated optical switchable nematic liquid crystal structures that implements optical switching, branching, and multiplexing functions of linearly polarized light beams in the visible spectral region. Such types of switchable nematic liquid crystal structures look promising for the development and manufacturing of light beam control integrated-optical devices with low operating voltages.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/237965
ISSN: 1561-4085
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
Appears in Collections:2018. Volume 21. Number 3

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