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Title: Эффективность комбинированного и раздельного способов иммунизации цыплят против инфекционной бурсальной болезни и болезни Марека
Authors: Щур, Е. А.
Громов, И. Н.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Минск : Изд. центр БГУ
Citation: Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013" / редкол. : А. И. Жук (пред.) [и др.]. - Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2014. - С. 267-270.
Abstract: It is shown that the combined and separate immunization of chickens against IBD and Marek disease provides development immunomorphological pronounced changes in the tissues at the site of vaccines, as well as quite a busy specific immunity against these diseases. At the same time, the combined vaccination of chickens against Marek's disease and IBD provides, as compared with separate non-immunization method, a significant increase in the economic efficiency of veterinary interventions
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/225566
ISBN: 978-985-553-227-0
Appears in Collections:Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013"

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