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Title: Семантические модели и средства обработки знаний
Authors: Шункевич, Д. В.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Минск : Изд. центр БГУ
Citation: Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013" / редкол. : А. И. Жук (пред.) [и др.]. - Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2014. - С. 213-217.
Abstract: This work is devoted to considering of problems of existing methods, means and technologies of knowledge processing machines design. The article describes the problem of lack of means, which allow relatively inexperienced developer to design such a machine for applied intelligent systems for different purposes. Next part of the paper considers the technology which was designed to solve given problem in the way of integration different problem situations solution methods and ways on the common formal basis
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/225468
ISBN: 978-985-553-227-0
Appears in Collections:Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013"

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