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Title: Визуально-графическая поддержка для кафедры информатики
Authors: Рудова, В. И.
Попова, А. В.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Минск : Изд. центр БГУ
Citation: Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013" / редкол. : А. И. Жук (пред.) [и др.]. - Минск : Изд. центр БГУ, 2014. - С. 180-181.
Abstract: The importance of visual-graphic support for the Department of Informatics deterministic design high importance on the site today. If an organization wants to show a high level of their social status, it is obliged to pay great attention to their outlook in the eyes of potential customers. Thus, the site is required, by which not only achieves the primary attraction of the audience's attention, but also to maintain a constant interest arose
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/225367
ISBN: 978-985-553-227-0
Appears in Collections:Сборник научных работ студентов Республики Беларусь "НИРС 2013"

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