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Title: Non-linear Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes/WS2 Nanotubes (Nanoparticles) Hybrid Films
Authors: Ksenevich, V. K.
Gorbachuk, N. I.
Viet, Ho
Shuba, M. V.
Paddubskaya, A. G.
Wieck, A. D.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Minsk : Education and Upbringing
Citation: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. - 2017. - Vol. 20, N 4. - P. 360 - 367
Abstract: Electrical properties of carbon nanotubes films and composite materials consisting of carbon nanotubes and tungsten disulphide nanotubes (and fullerene-like nanoparticles) were investigated. Analysis of measured in temperature range 2–300 K temperature dependencies of the resistance R(T) and IV -characteristics demonstrates that non-linear electrical conductivity of the films and composites is induced by contact barriers between conductive carbon nanotubes. Incorporation of semi-insulating WS2 nanotubes (nanoparticles) leads to the increase of the samples’ resistance due to decreasing of the number of current percolation paths between contacts. Experimental results of the measurements of DC-electrical properties are confirmed by the analysis of the frequency dependencies of the impedance of the samples in the range of 100 Hz – 1 MHz and dependencies of AC-conductivity on DC bias voltage.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/220281
ISSN: 1561-4085
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
Appears in Collections:2017. Volume 20. Number 4

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