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Title: Процессы взаимодействия металлов в условиях электроискровой и ионноплазменной обработки
Other Titles: Processes of interaction of metals in conditions electrosparkand ion-plasmous processing / V.F.Mazanko, D.S.Gertsriken, V.M.Mironov, D.V.Mironov
Authors: Мазанко, В. Ф.
Герцрикен, Д. С.
Рясный, А. В.
Миронов, В. М.
Миронов, Д. В.
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Минск : БГУ
Citation: Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом: материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф., 3-5 окт. 2001 г., Минск. — Мн.: БГУ, 2001. — С. 85-88
Abstract: С помощью ряда методов изучены особенности взаимодействия металлов с металлами и легкими элементами на примере системы Ti-Ni-N в условиях обработки в тлеющем, дуговом и искровом разрядах. Определены глубины проникновения легирующих примесей и изменения фазового состава покрытия, диффузионной зоны и подложки. Установлено влияние параметров обработки на процесс легирования металла.
Abstract (in another language): The influence of bombardment by ions of nitrogen in conditions glow, voltaic arc and spark discharges on interaction titanium with nickel was studied by methods of radioactive indicators, the secondary ionic mass-spectrometry and of tlie X-ray analysis. It was shown, that the ionoic bombardment in the gas discharge results to absorption of nitrogen by a surface of metal. The process of accumulation of nitrogen in near-surface layers of titanium and titanium with a nickel covering is accompanied by migration of nitrogen into a crystal lattice. Besides the process of bombardment by ions of nitrogen results in redistribution of atoms of a superficial layer of metal (Ni) and their penetration in Ti on of macroscopic distance, and the greatest depth penetration of atoms is observed at action of the spark discharge, and the least depth is observed at action of the glow discharge. However distribution of atoms nickel and nitrogen on a surface and in near-surface layers is most uniform at action of the glow discharge. The processing by the spark discharges results in the most non-uniform distribution. In all cases except for an initial ste of depth of penetration the concentration profile lines of nitrogen and nickel in titanium are described by exponential dependence on a square of depth of penetration. The depths of penetration of alloying impurity (N and Ni) and speed of their migration in metal for processing at all kinds of the gas discharges are determined and the influence of parameters of processing on them was established. The various contribution to increase of depth of penetration and of diffusive mobility of atoms of energy of ions, of a ionic current, duration of processing, kind of the gas discharge is found out. The change of phase composition of a covering, of a diffusive zone and basic metal after processing in the different gas discharges is shown. The influence of parameters of processing on process of formation of phases is established. The changes of mechanical properties in processed titanium with a nickel covering at various kinds of the gas discharges are shown.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/203901
ISBN: 985-445-236-0
Appears in Collections:2001. Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом

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