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Title: Формирование полупроводниковых силицидов методом ионно-лучевого синтеза
Other Titles: Ion beam synthesis of semiconducting silicides / L. I. Ivanenko
Authors: Иваненко, Л. И.
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Минск : БГУ
Citation: Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом: материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф., 3-5 окт. 2001 г., Минск. — Мн.: БГУ, 2001. — С. 22-24.
Abstract: Представлен обзор последних работ, касающихся элеіаронно-лучевого синтеза полупроводниковых силицидов хрома, железа и рутения. Приведены используемые дозы имплантации, величина энергии ионов, режимы термообработки, а также кристаллическая структура полученных силицидных слоев. Рассмотрены перспективы применения данного метода для создания скрытых питаксиальных слоев и нанокристаллов силицидов в монокристаллическом кремнии.
Abstract (in another language): Recent results on the fabrication of semiconducting silicides of chromium, iron and ruthenium, using Ion Beam Synthesis (IBS), are reviewed. Ion beam synthesis is a method whereby a silicide is formed by Implanting high doses of an element (Cr*, Fe^ or Ru*) into a silicon target, usually followed by a high temperature anneal stage to form chemical bonds and to recover the crystallinity of the host and new compound. Direct synthesis of silicides by metal ion implantation supposes "stoichiometric" doses of this component, which typically are 10^® -10" lons/cml The method has been mainly employed for fomiatlon of buried epitaxial Р-РеЗіг layers, while СгЗІг and RujSis are also demonstrated to be produced using this approach. The study of structure and optical properties of p-FeSi2 precipitates fonned by IBS are also presented. It has been shown that room temperature electroluminescence can be obtained from silicon containing nanostructures of p-FeSia- For the IBS structures a maximum in electroluminescence Is found for doses - 1.5x10" Fe/см^. These result indicate that by using IBS for the p-FeSi2 nanostructures fabrication, it should be possible to fonn practical silicon based emitting devices іпсофогаііпд p-FeSi2 in the next few years. The use of ion implantation as a growth technique has particular attractions because of the ubiqultousness of ion beams in semiconductor chip processing.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/203752
ISBN: 985-445-236-0
Appears in Collections:2001. Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом

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