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Результаты 1-10 из 15.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаЗаглавиеАвтор(ы)
2020Влияние внешнего электростатического поля на горение уротропинаЗур, И. А.; Федотов, А. С.
2020Vector particle with electric quadrupole moment in external Coulomb fieldKoralkov, A.; Voynova, Ya.; Krylova, N.; Ovsiyuk, E.; Balan, V.
2020Phase transitions in geometrothermodynamic model of charged generalized-NUT black holesGrushevskaya, H. V.; Krylova, N.G.
2020Адиабатический рэтчет-эффект в системах с дискретным изменением переменныхРозенбаум, В. М.; Шапочкина, И. В.; Трахтенберг, Л. И.
2020Geometrothermodynamics of interface domain structures in phase transitions on 5-dimensional contact statistical manifold with pseudo-Finsler metricGrushevskaya, H. V.; Krylova, N. G.; Krylov, G. G.; Balan, V.
2020Electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene in high-energy k p-Hamiltonian approximationGrushevskaya, H. V.; Krylov, G. G.; Choi, H.-Y.; Kruchinin, S. P.
2020Clustering Artificial Atoms Induced by High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation in Graphene Monolayers of Multiwalled Carbon NanotubesGrushevskaya, H. V.; Timoshchenko, A. I.; Avdanina, E. A.; Lipnevich, I. V.
2020Geometrization for a quantum-mechanical problem of the spin 1 particle with anomalous magnetic moment in the Coulomb fieldKrylova, N. G.; Voynova, Ya. A.; Ovsiyuk, E. M.; Balan, V.
2020Application of geometrical methods to study the spin 1 particle with electric quadrupole moment in the Coulomb fieldKrylova, N. G.; Voynova, Ya. A.; Ovsiyuk, E. M.; Balan, V.
8-фев-2020Vortex Dynamics of Charge Carriers in the Quasi-Relativistic Graphene Model: High-Energy kp ApproximationGrushevskaya, H. V.; Krylov, G. G.