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8-ноя-2013Time Dependence of the Intensity of Diffracted Radiation Produced by a Relativistic Particle Passing through a Natural or Photonic CrystalBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
8-ноя-2013Time duration of the parametric x-ray radiationBaryshevsky, V. G.; Anishchenko, S. V.; Gurinovich, A. A.
19-ноя-2013Experiments with Parametric X-Ray Radiation (PXR) from Non-Relativistic ElectronsBaryshevsky, V. G.; Batrakov, K. G.; Feranchuk, I. D.; Gurinovich, A. A.; Grubich, A. O.; Lobko, A. S.; Rouba, A. A.; Tarnopolsky, B. A.; Safronov, P. F.; Stolyarsky, V. I.; Ulyanenkov, A. P.
19-ноя-2013Spin rotation and birefringence effect for a particle in a high energy storage ring and measurement of the real part of the coherent elastic zero-angle scattering amplitude, electric and magnetic polarizabilitiesBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
19-ноя-2013Hybrid systems with virtual cathode for high power microwaves generationBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
19-ноя-2013Radiative instability of a relativistic electron beam moving in a photonic crystalBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
19-ноя-2013Generation of radiation in free electron lasers with diffraction gratings (photonic crystal) with the variable spacial periodBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
20-ноя-2013First observation of generation in the backward wave oscillator with a "grid" diffraction grating and lasing of the volume FEL with a "grid" volume resonatorBaryshevsky, V. G.; Batrakov, K. G.; Belous, N. A.; Gurinovich, A. A.; Lobko, A. S.; Molchanov, P. V.; Sofronov, P. F.; Stolyarsky, V. I.
19-ноя-2013Study of the generation intensity in the backward wave oscillator with a ''grid'' diffraction grating as a function of the grating lengthBaryshevsky, V. G.; Belous, N. A.; Evdokimov, V. A.; Gurinovich, A. A.; Lobko, A. S.; Molchanov, P. V.; Sofronov, P. F.; Stolyarsky, V. I.
20-ноя-2013Electrodynamical properties of a "grid" volume resonator for travelling wave tube and backward wave oscillatorBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.