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Результаты 31-40 из 57.
Найденные документы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаЗаглавиеАвтор(ы)
19-ноя-2013Radiative instability of a relativistic electron beam moving in a photonic crystalBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
19-ноя-2013Search for the neutron EDM and time reversal symmetry violation in noncentrosymmetric crystalsBaryshevsky, V. G.
19-ноя-2013Sensitivity of the neutron crystal diffraction experiment to the neutron EDM and to the nuclear P-,T-violating forcesBaryshevsky, V. G.; Cherkas, S. L.
19-ноя-2013Generation of radiation in free electron lasers with diffraction gratings (photonic crystal) with the variable spacial periodBaryshevsky, V. G.; Gurinovich, A. A.
20-ноя-2013Time-reversal-violating optical gyrotropyBaryshevsky, V. G.
20-ноя-2013First observation of generation in the backward wave oscillator with a "grid" diffraction grating and lasing of the volume FEL with a "grid" volume resonatorBaryshevsky, V. G.; Batrakov, K. G.; Belous, N. A.; Gurinovich, A. A.; Lobko, A. S.; Molchanov, P. V.; Sofronov, P. F.; Stolyarsky, V. I.
19-ноя-2013About influence of the deuteron electric and magnetic plarizabities on measurement of the deuteron EDM in a storage ringBaryshevsky, V. G.
19-ноя-2013The deuteron (nuclei) birefringence effect in a matter and in an electric field and the searches for an EDM of a deuteron (nucleus) rotating in a storage ringBaryshevsky, V. G.; Shirvel, A. R.
19-ноя-2013Study of the generation intensity in the backward wave oscillator with a ''grid'' diffraction grating as a function of the grating lengthBaryshevsky, V. G.; Belous, N. A.; Evdokimov, V. A.; Gurinovich, A. A.; Lobko, A. S.; Molchanov, P. V.; Sofronov, P. F.; Stolyarsky, V. I.
20-ноя-2013The phenomena of the time-violating photon polarization plane and neutron spin rotation by a diffraction grating. New methods of measuring of the time-violating interactionsBaryshevsky, V. G.